Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Where is Baby Girl

Still no progress on the baby front, I am quite uncomfortable now and really ready to just see this baby and hold her in my arms. This has been a very stressful pregnancy because of the SUA and I have to pay very close attention to how often she is moving, plus I have been monitored very closely with many ultrasounds and Non-Stress Tests. My doctor has been great and I am so happy that I was able to get in with him, I know that both of us are in very good hands with him. She has given us a few scares which, thankfully, have all turned out fine but really I just need to know she is ok now.

Two appointments ago my OB said we would be discussing induction for around 39 weeks, and at my last appointment we set the tentative date but said I could very well go into labour before then. That tentative date is Friday, my next appointment is tomorrow morning and still no baby, I highly doubt she is coming on her own. Fingers crossed that we can still proceed with the induction on Friday, but there is a full moon so who knows I could end up getting bumbed until next week. It almost seems to perfect to have her come on Friday because this would mean that Chris would only have to miss one day of school and then we would have the long weekend together before he had to go back to class. Chris has been working hard to stay ahead of schedule but he is still only allowed to miss a certain number of hours before getting kicked out of the program, I am sure they would make a special allowance because of the circumstances but neither of us want to take that chance.

So for now we continue to wait and hope that things work out for Friday!

1 comment:

  1. I hope the full moon works for you! It won't be long until she's in your arms. I hope it goes nice and easy!
