Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Abigail is Two Months Old!


My sweet baby girl is two months old today. She is such a sweet baby, I love every minute with her. She smiles in response to my smile and will occassionally give us the most beautiful giggle I have ever heard. She makes noises in response to sounds I make, so if I make a throaty "goooo" sound, she makes it too, it is wonderful. She is really strong, she already perches herself up on my should when I carry her around and loooks around instead of just leaning against me and she can roll, she doesn't do it all the time but she can do it.

My only complaint at this point is sleep, she is getting better but it is a slow progress. I have moved her bedtime up so she goes to bed at the same time as Joshua goes to bed and it seems to be helping a little bit last night she went 4 hours between her bedtime feeding and her next feeding and after that it was about every three hours. I have been noticing that she only nurses for about 1 minute before falling asleep so I think she is just waking up for comfort sucking. She doesn't like the soother much, especially after she has eaten, she makes the worst gagging sound when I try and give it to her.

Joshua loves his little sister, he climbs up on the chair next to the change table when I change her and she smiles at him and I tell him he loves her so much and that makes him smile! He is still learning to be more gentle around her but has definitely improved.

She is wearing all 0/3 month clothing and has started wearing some of her 3/6 month clothes as well, she is a big girl. We go for her immunizations tomorrow so I will post her newest stats when we get back.

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