Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Fun with Food

After starting solids a couple of weeks ago I decided that Joshua wasn't quite ready for the full experience so we took a break for about a week or so. We started back last week and it is going so much better now! I have now introduced Rice, Oatmeal and Barley cereal and they seem to be going over fairly well. Each time I introduce a new cereal he doesn't really know what to think and starts gagging immediately, but by the third time he has it he does much better. I have been offering him cereal in the morning about an hour after we get up and he has his first nursing session of the day and then I offer him more around our dinner time, now that he has tried a variety of cereals I can offer him different things in the morning and the evening.

I am bit confused with the latest bit of advise that I received that suggests starting meats and cereals first as opposed to the traditional cereals, vegetables, fruits and then meats. The nurse said it was because babies need the iron, but all of the cereals that I buy are fortified with iron so I am not sure it is really necessary. Oh well I guess I should make an appointment with our doctor and find out his opinion on the subject.

1 comment:

  1. Feeding babies is harder than I thought it would be. Leyla still gags a bit with each new food, I introduce.

    I heard that about meats I introduced beef before finishing with veggies and fruits. Not only do they get the extra iron, but they get some essential fats that are good for brain development. That can't be too bad, I guess.
